Awareness campaign on antimicrobial resistance

Students from the first cohort of the DELGEME Plus program organized an awareness day as part of the World Antimicrobial Resistance Week (WAAW) on December 9, 2024, in Bamako, Mali.
The activities took place:
- From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Korofina Reference Health Center (CSREF).
- From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the Yirimadio Health Center.
These students come from seven African countries (Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria and Tanzania), and are following a two-year Master’s program dedicated to the fight against antimicrobial resistance, provided by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB).
This first campaign aimed to raise awareness of the global threat of antimicrobial resistance, a phenomenon where microbes become increasingly resistant to the drugs designed to fight them.
The theme of the 2024 edition, defined by the World Health Organization, is “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.” while highlighting the importance of education, awareness and collective action against AMR.
Progress of Activities:
- Welcome and introduction:
Each member of the team was introduced, which allowed participants to identify their interlocutors in order to have a fluid discussion.
- Awareness:
Students covered several key points including:
- The definition of AMR,
- Its impacts: How AMR affects global health and its consequences on medical treatments.
- The individual role: Explanation of good practices to prevent the development and spread of AMR (hygiene, responsible use of antibiotics, etc.).
3. Exchanges with the public:

Fruitful discussions allowed students to advise patients and healthcare staff. They answered questions while sharing concrete preventive measures.
- End of the day:
The day ended with an interview given by the class leader. The material was broadcast on the Malian national television news, reinforcing the campaign’s reach.
This day was marked by rich exchanges and effective awareness-raising. The students’ efforts to inform and educate local communities were greatly appreciated.