A Malaria Free Africa
DELGEME aims to develop advanced technical and analytical skills of African scientists in relevant areas of Bio-informatics, next generation sequence analysis, population genetics, epidemiology, statistical and cellular and molecular biology in collaboration with local and international partners for malaria control and elimination in sub-Saharan Africa.
The main aims of the programme are:
- To train, retain and develop Graduates, Doctoral and Post-doctoral fellows on genomics and bioinformatics across malaria endemic countries.
- To Develop programmes to enhance the understanding and dissemination of genetic data relevant to malaria interventions and eradication program.
- Short-term training will be delivered for various trainees including public health officers on genetics, clinical studies, ethics, grant writing, grant management, leadership development etc.
- Formal long-term curricula (big data science, biostatistics, health informatics, genomics, cell biology, molecular biology and bioinformatics) will be designed and implemented with contribution and oversight from a wide range of local and International Faculty and relevant advisory boards.
Training Learders for a Malaria Free Africa
Our governance structure ensures a smooth running of the Program by an Executive arm with oversight from two advisory bodies. This is designed to help the project stay on track in delivering while decisions are well informed and unbiased. The oversight bodies include a Scientific and Training Advisory Board (STAB) of up to 7 members, who are experts and respected leaders in our fields of interest but external to the Institutional Partners and the Programme Management Board (PMB) which will include the Principal Investigators of the PDNA.
The Executive Board (EB) includes the Program Director, the Project Officer and the Administration. The final layer includes our 5 Strategic Hubs i.e. i)Training Hub led by USAMRU – Kenya and the MRC Gambia; ii) Research Management Hub led by NMIMR, Ghana; iii) Strategic Leadership and Scientific Citizenship hub led by MRTC, Gabon and NIMR, Tanzania ; iv)Technical support hub, which includes one co-applicant (BNI, Germany) and one strategic collaborator (Kwiatkowski group, Oxford-Sanger, UK).