DELGEME Plus Annual Meeting And Review of Research Topics of PhD and Post Doc Fellows

From February 19 to 23, 2024, the DELGEME Plus Annual Meeting was held in Ibadan, Nigeria, to review the research topics of PhD and Post Doc fellows. This event, organized in a hybrid format, brought together partner institutions, fellows, and administrative staff from nine African countries.
- Objectives
The main objective of this meeting was to provide an update on the progress of the project and review the research topics of PhD and Post-Doctoral Fellows of the DELGEME Plus program.
2. Specific objectivestives
The specific objectives included:
- An evaluation of the activities carried out since the official launch of the program on September 11, 12 and 13, 2023 in Bamako.
- Validation of the research topics of future PhD and Post-doctoral fellows.
- Promotion of public and community engagement.
- Review of the action plan for 2024, as well as the next steps in the recruitment process.
- A visit to the partners’ laboratories.
- Evaluation of the organization of the new Master in Antimicrobial Resistance Sciences, launched at the University of Science, Techniques and Technologies of Bamako (USTTB).Â
3. Workshop proceedings:
The workshop started with an opening ceremony with a welcome message from Prof. O. A. Ogunwole representing Post Graduate College/Dept. of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, followed by the speech of Prof. Iruka Okeke, Co-applicant representing the University of Ibadan.
3.1 Review of activities since the launch of the program
The program director, Professor Abdoulaye Djimdé, presented an update on the objectives achieved so far, including:
- The recruitment of 13 students for the first cohort of the Master,
- The certification of USTTB in good financial practices (gold level),
- The submission of the first technical report of the program.
3.2 Validation of research topics
PhD and Post Doc fellows presented their research projects. Each project was discussed in depth, allowing candidates to adjust their work based on the recommendations of the consortium members. Projects validated with reservations will be finalized under the joint supervision of consortium members and academic supervisors.
3.3 Public and community engagement
Professor Paulina Tindana presented the key principles of public and community engagement, highlighting the differences between these two approaches as well as the ethical aspects to be respected.
3.4 Review of the 2024 action plan and next steps
In the absence of the monitoring and evaluation manager, the program manager presented the 2024 action plan, emphasizing the importance of meeting deadlines to ensure a complete technical report at the end of the year. He also detailed the next steps in the recruitment process, including the formalities related to the activation of scholarships.
3.5 Evaluation of the Master in RAM Sciences
Dr. Oumou MaĂ¯ga, coordinator of the Master, presented the progress of the courses, the semester planning and the pedagogical organization.
3.6 Laboratory visit
Participants visited the Microbiology laboratory at the University of Ibadan, headed by Professor Iruka Okeke. This visit included a presentation of the research work in progress.
The objectives of the meeting were achieved, particularly through the reformulation and validation of the research topics of the PhDs and Post-Docs.