Extension of DELGEME Plus calls for local application ( USTTB) for MSc class 2 in Antimicrobial Resistance until December 15, 2024.. Please click on the link to see DELGEME Plus / Université des Sciences, Techniques et Technologies de Bamako Appelez-nous (+223) 20 22 81 09(+223) 20 22 68 32 Écrivez-nous daoule@icermali.org Bureau principal DELGEME Plus/Universitéde BamakoP.O.Box: 1805Point G, Bamako, Mali (Afrique de l’Ouest) Envoyez-nous un message Prénom Nom de famille Email Message ENVOYER UN MESSAGEThe form has been submitted successfully!There has been some error while submitting the form. Please verify all form fields again.