Jaishree Raman
Dr Jaishree Raman’s interest in antimalarial drug resistance malaria was sparked when she joined the Malaria Research Unit of the South African Medical Research (SAMRC) after completing her post-doctoral research fellowship in Sweden in 2004. During her 10-year tenure at the SAMRC, Jaishree was instrumental in establishing a high through-put PCR-based molecular surveillance laboratory. The high through-put nature of the laboratory enabled her research to play a pivotal role in ensuring evidence-based effective case management policies were implemented in South Africa as well as in Mozambique and Swaziland as part of the multi-country cross-border Lubombo Spatial Development Initiative. In 2014, Dr Raman moved her research programme to the National Institute for Communicable (NICD) in Johannesburg, where in line with the National policy her research now focusses on assisting South Africa and other SADC countries achieve malaria elimination. In collaboration with researchers from the NICD, Universities of Cape Town, Pretoria and Witwatersrand as well as the SAMRC, Dr Raman is assisting with the implementation of new initiatives aimed at more effectively identifying and treating sub-patent, asymptomatic and gametocyte carriers. Deeply committed to capacity development within the region Dr Raman has developed and facilitated epidemiology and malaria diagnostic training workshops for malaria control staff, healthcare workers, malaria environmental health practitioners and health science students. She has co-supervised post-graduate students from the Universities of KwaZulu-Natal and Pretoria as well as the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Jaishree has delivered keynote speeches at numerous regional conferences, including the 9th INTEREST Conference in Zimbabwe, the 6th FIDSSA Congress in the Drakensberg, South Africa and the 3rd National Malaria Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa. She currently sits on the case management sub-committee of the South African Malaria Elimination Committee (SAMEC), the Research Constituency of Southern African Resistance Network (SARN) and case management sub-committee of the Elimination 8 (E8) multi-country initiative