Marielle Bouyou Akotet
Pr Marielle Bouyou Akotet is a Professor of Parasitology Mycology and Tropical Medicine at the Université des Sciences de la Santé (USS) in Libreville, Gabon where she is senior lecturer and the head of the Department of Parasitology Mycology and Tropical Medicine (DPMMT). Apart from her academic and training activities at different Universities, she is currently involved in research activities which focus on epidemiological, clinical, clinical trials, drug resistance, immunological and molecular aspects of on malaria, intestinal parasites, filariasis, fungal diseases, non malarial febrile illnesses, and co-infections with HIV, bacterial or other viral infections and non communicable diseases with national and international African ass well as European collaborations. She is member of several learned societies such as the African Society of Parasitology, the African Society of Infectious Diseases (as vice-president), the Réseau Africain des Praticiens assurant la prise en charge globale des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (RESAPSI), the ASTMH as well as other scientific committees . She’s involved in groups of the development of guidelines of the National Control Programs of Malaria, Parasitic Disease and Infectious Diseases and, through her institution, in different networks on scientific research and training (CANTAM, PDNA, IDLIC-ANRS…).