The 9th NUMERUS CLAUSUS Graduation Ceremony.
The big amphitheater of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bamako hosted on February 2nd, 2017, the “NUMERUS CLAUSUS” ceremony which marked the graduation of the 9th Pharmacy Promotion of the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy. The students of this promotion chose the name of N’golo DIARRA who, for the person concerned, constitutes a mark of recognition and respect.
This ceremony, held under the sponsorship of the Director of DELGEME, Professor Abdoulaye Djimde and the AFEPHAR, was the occasion for the graduates of the 9th promotion of pharmacy to receive their degree in the attendance of the parents who came in great numbers. Several officials honored by their presence among them the Dean of the Faculty, who thanked the whole audience then made a historical reminder of the Numerus Clausus, which started in 2002.
The meeting was an opportunity for the president of this promotion to thank the entire Faculty teaching staff on behalf of his classmates and to remind the objective and the choice of the central theme: what pharmacist for Mali of tomorrow? He responded in a presentation where he made it clear that “this will allow us to discuss stakes of our promotion”.