8th Congress of the African Society of Parasitology (SOAP)
The participation of DELGEME in the 8th Congress of the African Society of Parasitology (SOAP) and the 1st Congress of the Society of Parasitology and Mycology of Mali (SOPAMYM) held in Bamako from 5th to 7th of December 2016.
- Presentation of the DELGEME project
- Scientific communications.
From December 5th to 7th December 2016, Bamako hosted the 8th Congress of the African Society of Parasitology (SOAP) and the 1st Congress of the Society of Parasitology and Mycology of Mali (SOPAMYM) under the high sponsorship of His Excellency Ibrahim Boubacar Keita President of the Republic.
This event of three days allowed to bring together the prominent persons in terms of research in the fields of parasitology and mycology, coming from Africa and partner institutions from other continents. By its many contributions, DELGEME through its Director has asserted itself as an essential actor in the African research in these fields.
DELGEME Program Presentation by the Professor Abdoulaye Djimdé
The Program of “Developing Excellence in Leadership and Genetics Training for Malaria Eradication in Sub-Saharan Africa” was presented in plenary by the Program Director Abdoulaye Djimdé.
In his introduction, the Professor recalled the Program’s objectives:
- Train human qualified and committed resources in the research on clinical trials, parasite sequencing, for the malaria eradication. These trainings are primarily oriented to young researchers.
- Strengthen structures and equipment in bioinformatics, molecular biology, and statistics.
- Create a dynamic network of researchers from Africa and other continents.
To achieve these objectives, DELGEME will provide the training with 40 interns, 20 Masters, 10 PhD, 5 Post Doctorates, and 5 Leaders. In addition, it will ensure the equipment of research structures through the deployment of 3 servers of 40 terabytes to store the work of students and researchers.
After having appointed the many partners of the project, the first results have been communicated. They mainly focus on the results of the Masters selection process for which the training will start and the number of applicants to the PhD (xx) and the postdoctoral trainings (xx).
Thus, DELGEME will contribute to a significant improvement in the expertise and use of genetic data for the control and the eradication of malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.
This intervention by DELGEME, before an assembly of renowned researchers, has been very well received because the project is an essential contribution to the mobilization of the scientific community for the benefit of populations. For its first participation in a high-level congress, the place of the project has been legitimized, which is an essential step for the recognition by the peers.